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Title description, April 2, 2014

Mauris neque quam, fermentum ut nisl vitae, convallis maximus nisl. Sed mattis nunc id lorem euismod placerat. Vivamus porttitor magna enim, ac accumsan tortor cursus at. Phasellus sed ultricies mi non congue ullam corper. Praesent tincidunt sed tellus ut rutrum. Sed vitae justo condimentum, porta lectus vitae, ultricies congue gravida diam non fringilla.

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Governor Littlebird

Governor/CEO Littlebird Grid
Lead Developer/Content Creator for Littlebird Metaverse
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Littlebird Metaverse - Help Center

    Move Controls:
FIRST -> You MUST click the screen in order to LOCK your CURSOR!
        WASD to move around
        Use your (locked) Mouse Cursor (or ARROW KEYS) to guide direction
        SPACE to JUMP
        SHUFT to RUN
        R/F to Ascend/Descend during flight (if allowed in Region)
        BACKSPACE to RESET Position to Region Landing Point
        ESC to unlock Cursor
        T to initiate CHAT
    Keyboard Shortcuts:
        W - Teleport to Welcome Center
        H - Teleport Home
        P - Pause/Play Parcel Audio Stream
        U - Set Personal Audio Stream
        M - Un/Mute Parcel Audio Stream
        K - Cheat Console (WIP!)

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