Unknown Region/0/0/0 Fly
WebVR WebAR Audio Voice
Unknown User L$0 FPS: 60
Littlebird Metaverse - Help Center

  Move Controls:
FIRST -> You MUST click the screen in order to LOCK your CURSOR!
      WASD to move around
      Use your (locked) Mouse Cursor (or ARROW KEYS) to guide direction
      SPACE to JUMP
      SHUFT to RUN
      R/F to Ascend/Descend during flight (if allowed in Region)
      BACKSPACE to RESET Position to Region Landing Point
      ESC to unlock Cursor
      T to initiate CHAT
  Keyboard Shortcuts:
      W - Teleport to Welcome Center
      H - Teleport Home
      P - Pause/Play Parcel Audio Stream
      U - Set Personal Audio Stream
      M - Un/Mute Parcel Audio Stream
      K - Cheat Console (WIP!)

More Help Center Content is coming soon! Credits